How does FKBCL serve its community?
Friends of the Kirk-Bear Canyon Library is dedicated to funding services, supplies, and improvements for the library community, including its patrons and employees. This funding does not replace the library’s normal budget but supplements it with the extras that make Pima County Public Library and the Kirk-Bear Canyon branch special.
Much of our funding goes to support programs for children, teens, and adults. The list is very long: from Legos and storytimes for children to crafts and reading incentives for teens, to lectures, fitness classes, concerts, and discussion groups for adults, to tutoring and computer education for all ages, the Friends have provided support over the years.
While many public services were obligated to pause during the pandemic period, the Friends’ work did not end. Because digital materials were in especially high demand, FKBCL donated money to purchase additional ebooks and audiobooks. Because in-person programs were impossible then, FKBCL arranged a series of virtual lectures by notable local mystery authors.

How does FKBCL raise funds?
We collect and sort donated books, which we then sell on the book cart located near the entrance of the library. We also sponsor used book sales throughout the year, and sometimes raffles, too. In normal years, look for a spring and fall book sale, with smaller pop-up sales in between.
We actively recruit memberships and donations from the library’s patrons and fans. Due to encouragement by the Friends, on two occasions, children’s services at the library have been recipients of bequests in memory of cherished local residents.
Finally, we are the fortunate recipients of donations received through our community partnerships with Hughes Federal Credit Union and Fry’s Community Rewards.
Friends of the Kirk-Bear Canyon Library is a 501(c)(3) organization, meaning donations are tax-deductible.

Our Community Partners
FKBCL is grateful to Pima County and the Kirk-Bear Canyon Library, which accommodate our book re-sale business and other activities.
During certain months of the year, Hughes Federal Credit Union facilitates Friends membership to its automobile loan customers. In recent years, this community support program has contributed significantly to Friends. Ask about their program if you apply for an auto loan from Hughes Federal.
Frys Food Stores allows customers to designate Friends as their charity choice in its Community Rewards Program.
We thank the Bear Canyon Mail Depot for its in-kind service to Friends.

Board of Directors Meetings
Board meetings are held at 10AM, either in the library conference room or via Zoom, on the third Friday of the months of January-May and September-October and on the second Friday of November. All members and prospective members are welcome to attend. The annual meeting is held in October. If you have any questions, please e-mail us.
Friends of Kirk-Bear Canyon Library History.
In the 1990s, a group of Tanque Verde Valley residents appealed to elected officials to expand library services for the growing population in the northeast Tucson area. Eventually, some of these residents formed the Friends of Kirk-Bear Canyon Library (FKBCL), whose purpose would be to fundraise on behalf of the branch, strengthen community ties to the library, and advocate for literacy. In 1998, the group was chartered as a non-profit Arizona corporation.